Therapy For Men
Do You Feel Unsatisfied With Where You Are In Life?
Are you a man who struggles to find meaning and purpose in your life? Is it hard to accept yourself for who you are and what you’ve accomplished? Do you spend a lot of time thinking about what kind of life you “should” be living?
Maybe your life seems okay on the surface, but on the inside you feel deeply unsatisfied. Perhaps your career is fulfilling, but you struggle to achieve a healthy work-life balance and your life lacks intimacy and connection. Maybe you’ve spent so much time trying to get ahead and be successful that your relationships have started slipping away. When you look at your life as a whole, you think to yourself: This isn’t where I wanted to be.
You May Feel Tempted To Ignore Your Feelings And Pretend That Everything Is Okay
As a man in today’s world, it’s easier to put on a façade of strength than it is to be honest about your struggles. You may feel tempted to push your feelings down and act like you have it all together. Perhaps you tend to externalize your issues and blame other people rather than take responsibility. You may turn to substance use or behavioral addictions to medicate and avoid confronting your feelings.
Deep down, you probably wish that you could just embrace who you are—all your gifts, talents, deficits and limitations—instead of trying to be someone else. If this is the case, then I encourage you to pursue therapy for men with me. With my support, I am confident that you can improve your self-compassion, enjoy healthier relationships, and endow your life with a deeper sense of purpose.
Our Culture Pressures Men To Lead Very Controlled And Rigid Lives
Accepting our imperfections is an important part of wisdom. Unfortunately, too many of us are hung up on control—control of our feelings, control of our careers, and control of our relationships. As a result, our lives become very rigid. We struggle to be flexible. The more we try to control our situation, the less willing we are to accept when things go wrong.
In our culture today, there are all kinds of unrealistic and outdated expectations for what men “should” be doing. Many of us think that we should be married, straight, successful and rich. When we don’t live up to the culture’s expectations, our sense of control and rigidity crumbles. We become anxious, depressed, and deeply unsatisfied. We feel like there’s something wrong with us because we’re “different,” even if that difference is a good thing.
It's Okay To Forge Your Own Path
Our values and belief systems are often handed down to us from our families and society. They don’t always align with who we are. Oftentimes, our needs are at odds with what other people want from us. That’s okay. We shouldn’t have to give up our needs just to avoid disappointing others.
As a therapist, I enjoy helping people forge their own path forward in life. Instead of adhering to their family map, I like to help them figure out what aligns with who they really are. In men’s counseling, my goal is to help you do just that.
Therapy Is A Chance For Men To Feel Seen, Heard, And Accepted For Who They Are
Let’s face it: it’s not always easy to talk about mental health issues as a man in today’s world. Society expects us to be strong, steady, and emotionally resilient. Yet what many of us fail to realize is that true strength lies in vulnerability. It takes courage to admit that life is not where we want it to be and that there is room for growth.
Therapy for men is a chance to swim in the sea of your emotions instead of trying to climb out. I want you to lean into your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Along the way, I am here to validate your concerns and make sure you feel seen, heard and accepted for who you are.
After all, therapy is a relationship between you and me. I am here to listen to you without judgment, help you build on your strengths, and unlock the answers that you hold within you.
What To Expect In Sessions
Men’s counseling looks different for every client, as everyone has different issues and goals. My approach is not rigid or structured—it’s a very spontaneous, intuitively-guided process where you and I will talk about life and explore what you want out of it. Together, we can look at unresolved traumas and patterns, work on communication skills, and focus on broadening your support system.
Above all, I want to help you expand your self-awareness so that you can figure out what needs aren’t being met. So much emotional pain in life can come from not understanding your core needs. For example, when you’re in a conflict with someone else, it’s instinctive to focus on the other person instead of yourself. This is especially true of men, as we are taught to externalize our problems and avoid dealing with our emotions. But by paying attention to what you feel, you can learn to recognize the core needs that aren’t being met and communicate those needs more effectively.
Counseling Can Help You Learn To Be True To Yourself
There is so much pressure on men in today’s world to have it all together and resist showing emotion. That’s why going to therapy is so important. It’s like letting air out of a balloon—the more you lean into your feelings and share your thoughts, the less pressure you may feel to think and act a certain way. The more true to yourself you are, the easier it is to live the life you want.
I’ve been working with men in counseling since 2000. In that time, every client who has come to me determined to feel better has experienced growth in their life. As long as you are patient with yourself and committed to the healing process, I believe you can live a life true to your authentic and amazing self.
You May Have Some Concerns About Therapy For Men…
I don’t like asking for help.
Many men have trouble asking for help. After all, we are used to being the helpers and “saviors”—doing everything we can for our spouses and loved ones and sacrificing all our time and energy for others. The problem is that none of us is Superman. We all deserve a break from time to time. Just as an athlete needs a coach to reach the highest level, all men need someone else to help them work through mental health issues. In therapy for men, my goal is to be that person in your life.
What are you going to tell me that I don’t already know?
Therapy is not someone “telling” you what to do with your life and spoon-feeding you the answers. It’s the exact opposite. My role is helping you dialogue with yourself and tap into your true needs and values so that you can be more authentically you. As we work together, you may learn things that you didn’t already know, but you will be leading the way and finding those things out for yourself. I am simply here as a guide and a resource who can help you stay focused on the path ahead.
I’m worried that therapy will cost too much money or take up too much time.
What do you value most in life? Do you want to grow into the best version of yourself and achieve healthier relationships? If so, therapy is a very small investment of time and money. In the grand scheme of things, the time you spend here is incredibly valuable and the cost is fairly insignificant. Going to counseling and practicing self-care can save you the hassle of dealing with more mental health issues down the road.
I Want To Help You Embrace Your Authentic And Amazing Self
If you’re a man who’s tired of all the pressure that society puts on you, therapy is a chance to find some breathing room and be yourself. To begin the healing process, you can email me or call 310-707-8070 for a free 5-10-minute phone consultation. I offer therapy services for people in the South Bay area of Los Angeles.