Personal Growth Counseling
Are You Struggling To Find Your Sense Of Purpose?
Do you feel stuck at a crossroads in life? Has a major life transition thrown your world off-balance? Are you dealing with depression, anxiety, or unresolved trauma?
Maybe you feel numb, disconnected from yourself, and unexcited about your future. Perhaps your life isn’t terrible on the surface, but it feels empty and unfulfilling. Maybe you’ve changed careers, your kids have moved out of the house, or you’ve lost a loved one. These changes could make you turn inward and reflect on who you are—and for the first time, perhaps you’re just not sure.
You May Have Neglected Certain Parts Of Yourself
Oftentimes, feelings of disconnection and emotional “shutdown” arise because certain parts of your personality haven’t been tended to. For instance, maybe you immersed yourself so heavily in your career that you neglected your emotional and relational needs. Your work and success may have become a distraction from your personal struggles.
If you’re tired of feeling stuck in life and you want to renew your sense of inspiration and vitality, I encourage you to connect with me. Personal growth counseling can help you reengage with neglected parts of yourself and get in touch with who you really are.
We Live In A Culture That Celebrates External Success Over Emotional Wellness
Our society today is obsessed with external measures of success—wealth, status, power, and popularity. Many of us spend our lives chasing after these things. Advertisement culture is always telling us we’ll be unhappy without them, and—whether we admit it or not—we all internalize this message to some extent. We all believe we’ll be happier with better skin, bigger houses, and nicer cars.
Real joy and satisfaction are found within us, not outside of us. Yet our culture’s way of measuring success doesn’t contribute to our inner growth. It just distracts us from it. As a result, we live in a world where many people are rich, successful, and famous, but emotionally and relationally unsatisfied. We hear about it in the news all the time—actors, popstars, and billionaires whose personal lives are in shambles despite everything they have.
The problem is that true happiness is impossible. The more we look for it, the more it will elude us. To truly experience inner peace, we have to surrender our egos to something bigger than ourselves. This is what I want to help you achieve in personal growth and development counseling.
Personal Growth Counseling Can Help You Be More In Tune With Your Purpose
Let’s face it: sometimes it’s frightening to validate the shut-off parts of ourselves—the secret desires, the unexplored parts, the things we don’t like about ourselves. In therapy, my goal is to help you get in touch with these parts in a way that is safe, nonjudgmental, and deeply empowering.
You can think of counseling as a laboratory relationship—together, we get to sit and observe what it’s like to be in a relationship with you and explore new skills for self-development. This is a chance to dig deep and tap into sources of inner wisdom that you didn’t know were there. I don’t want you to just come away feeling better, but to come away feeling more fulfilled and in tune with your purpose.
I Want To Help You Challenge Your Thoughts And Identify Unhealthy Beliefs
So much of life is lived on autopilot. We go from one life transition to the next without stopping to reflect on the thoughts we consume and believe. We take our feelings at face value and forget that our perception of ourselves is not always accurate.
Therapy is an opportunity to challenge this way of living. I want to help you be vigilant about your thoughts and change the narrative you’ve created about your life. One of my favorite questions to ask is: what are some things you tell yourself that you wouldn’t accept from another person? Answering this question can help you identify unhealthy self-beliefs and reprogram the way you think about yourself.
Therapy Can Help You Connect To Something Greater Than Yourself
Personal growth therapy isn’t just about looking inward, but looking outward, too. It’s a chance to step beyond your ego and recognize that your personality is not the only reality. This isn’t a matter of discarding “selfishness,” but a matter of connecting to a larger purpose outside of you. Whether that purpose is God, love, the universe, or what Carl Jung called the Collective Unconscious, I want to help you figure out what gives your life meaning. Doing so can help you manage stressful life transitions and stay grounded in tough times.
In the end, growth and change are possible if you have the diligence, vulnerability, and vision. As long as you are honest with yourself and you genuinely long for self-improvement, I am confident that counseling can help you achieve the life of your dreams.
You May Have Some Questions About Personal Growth Counseling…
Life is all about growth and change. What makes it interesting and worthwhile is the opportunity to change over time and engineer who you are. How could evolving and adapting to new situations be a waste of time? Therapy is a chance to figure out the person you want to become and have someone guide you and encourage you along the way. On your own, it’s hard to drown out all the voices competing with each other in your head. I can help you discern which voices to listen to and which ones not to, making it easier to find your purpose.
Motivation is important, but sometimes it’s overrated. You don’t have to feel motivated to make changes in your life. If you can start with self-care and ask yourself “What do I need to do to improve myself?” then you’ve already taken the first step toward healing. Therapy can help you look beyond motivation and learn to do right in spite of how you feel.
This is one of the deepest questions you can ask. Contentment looks different for each person, and that’s the key: you have to figure out what contentment looks like for you. Most of the time, lack of contentment happens because you were taught to pursue something that didn’t bring you joy or fulfillment. The challenge is to find what does bring you joy and fulfillment, and that’s what I’m here to help you do.
You Deserve Time And Space To Focus On You
We live in a busy, overstimulating world where millions of voices are all clamoring for our time and attention. Therapy is a place to drown all that out and focus on finding meaning in life. To get started, you can email me or call 310-707-8070 for a free 5-10-minute phone consultation. I offer counseling for anyone in the South Bay area of Los Angeles.